Impact of corneal endothelial cell loss after cataract surgery visual function


  • Anahí Llundo Chango University of Zaragoza image/svg+xml Autor/a
  • Blanca Azón Agustín University of Zaragoza image/svg+xml Autor/a
  • Diana Soriano Pina Óptica Vigón, Logroño, España. Autor/a



Cataract surgery, endothelial cells, phacoemulsification, optical aberrations, Contrast Sensitivity


Relevance: Cataract surgery can affect endothelial cell density and visual quality. This study analyzes postoperative
corneal changes and their impact on vision, providing key data to improve clinical ophthalmology practice.
Purpose: To evaluate the loss of corneal endothelial cells after cataract surgery by phacoemulsification and its relationship
with visual quality parameters, such as optical aberrations, contrast sensitivity, and the presence of halos in
night vision.
Materials and Methods: An observational study was conducted on 43 patients undergoing phacoemulsification. Endothelial
cell density, optical aberrations, and corneal thickness were measured before and one month after surgery.
The SP-1P specular microscope, Anterion® optical biometry, and tests for visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and halometry
were used.
Results: A significant reduction in postoperative endothelial cell count was observed (p < 0.001). Astigmatism and
higher-order aberrations significantly increased (p < 0.001). No significant differences were found in corneal thickness.
Contrast sensitivity and night vision remained within normal limits.
Conclusions: Phacoemulsification causes significant endothelial cell loss without affecting overall visual quality. The
increase in astigmatism and higher-order aberrations suggests the need for careful follow-up.


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How to Cite

Impact of corneal endothelial cell loss after cataract surgery visual function. Optom Clin y Cienc Vis [Internet]. 2024 May 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(2):21-8. Available from:

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