Privacy Statement

In compliance with the Spanish Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce of Spain, we inform you that this website is owned by the ARAGONESA SOCIETY OF OPTOMETRY AND CONTACTOLOGY, with registered address at 15 Cadena Street, Zaragoza, and VAT number G-99557373, and whose contact email is

This website, ("Website"), is governed by Spanish regulations, to which all its users expressly submit (hereinafter, "User").

Access to the Website by any User is free and conditioned upon prior reading and full, express, and unconditional acceptance of the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy that may be applicable at the time of each access and use of the Website. All published articles will comply with the Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 license.

Consequently, all Users:

Agree to carefully read both the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy

Agree to accept and expressly submit to what is established in the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy

If the User does not agree with the Legal Notice or the Privacy Policy, they must immediately refrain from using or in any way operating on this Website.

Users accept that the presentation and configuration of this Website, as well as its services and contents, may be modified or even deleted unilaterally and without prior notice by SAOCO.

Intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website: All content, texts, images, and source codes are protected by applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property and are the exclusive property of SAOCO, or, where applicable, of third parties from whom SAOCO has obtained the corresponding exploitation license.

The User shall only have the right to make private and non-commercial use of the content, texts, and images included on the Website, without profit, and shall require express authorization from SAOCO and/or, where applicable, the corresponding rights holder to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute, or exercise any other right owned by SAOCO or, where applicable, a third party.

Conditions of access to the Website: Access to the Website is free and does not require prior subscription or registration by Users. However, SAOCO reserves the right to offer services or content that require prior registration by the User, and, where applicable, payment of a price. In any case, these services and contents shall be duly and clearly identified on the Website.

All Users must access the Website in good faith, in accordance with applicable law, public order, the Legal Notice, and the Privacy Policy. Access and use of the Website are carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, who shall be liable in any case for any damages and losses that may be caused by said access or use to third parties or to SAOCO.

Users shall be liable for any damages and losses of any kind that SAOCO may suffer as a result of the User's breach of any of the obligations established in this Legal Notice or the Privacy Policy.

Users shall indemnify SAOCO in the event of any sanction, claim, or lawsuit against SAOCO for the infringement of third-party rights or applicable regulations when accessing or using the Website contrary to the provisions of this Legal Notice.

Disclaimer: SAOCO makes every effort to ensure that the information and content available on the Website are up-to-date and that the Website is available at all times. However, SAOCO cannot guarantee that the Website will be updated at all times and free of errors, nor its rapid and uninterrupted use. In particular, for example, SAOCO disclaims liability in the following cases:

Technical failures that, for any reason, prevent the normal operation of the Website;

Lack of availability of the Website due to maintenance or other reasons, preventing access to the service;

Damages arising from computer viruses and similar, or generated as a result of improper use of the Website.

Third-party interference in the service. Without prejudice to the technical measures that may be taken to reduce this type of risk, SAOCO assumes no liability for damages that may be caused to the User for this reason.

Legal Notice Updates: SAOCO reserves the right to modify the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy at any time. When significant changes are made to this Legal Notice or the Privacy Policy, SAOCO will communicate them to Users through the Website to offer them the possibility of reviewing the changes made. Users must refrain from using the Website if they do not agree with the updates made to the Legal Notice or the Privacy Policy.



1.- Legal Information and (hereinafter, the WEBSITE) are two domains registered by NATIONAL COLLEGE OF OPTICIANS-OPTOMETRISTS with VAT Q2877036J (hereinafter NCOO) with corporate address at 25 Princesa Street, 28008 Madrid for the use and management of its ARAGON DELEGATION with address at 15 Cadena Street, 50001, Zaragoza.

2.- Nature of the services

Access to the WEBSITE is free of charge, without prejudice to the fact that the contracting of products or services through the WEBSITE may be subject to an economic consideration.

3.- USER responsibility

The USER undertakes not to use the WEBSITE or the information offered therein for activities contrary to the Law, morals, or public order and, in general, to make use in accordance with the conditions established by NCOO.

The opinions, content, and, in general, all activities carried out by the USER, are their sole responsibility, without NCOO being liable for any damages or losses that may arise from such activities beyond its control and without it having effective knowledge of them.

4.- NCOO responsibility

NCOO shall not be responsible for errors in accessing the WEBSITE or its contents, although it shall make every effort to ensure that such errors do not occur.

NCOO reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without prior notice, access to the WEBSITE for the purpose of carrying out maintenance, repair, updating, or improvement operations.

5.- Intellectual and Industrial Property

All contents of the WEBSITE (including, without limitation, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audio, video, and software) are the property of NCOO and are protected by national and international laws on intellectual and industrial property, all rights reserved.

The domain name, trademarks, labels, distinctive signs, or logos appearing on the WEBSITE are the property of NCOO.

All texts, graphic designs, videos, or audio supports that may be found at this time or in the future on this Internet site are the property of NCOO and may not be subject to further modification, copying, alteration, total or partial reproduction, adaptation, or translation by the USER or third parties without the express authorization of NCOO.

Unauthorized use of the information contained on this WEBSITE, as well as infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, will give rise to legally established responsibilities.

6.- Hyperlinks

The establishment of any hyperlink from a third-party website to any of the pages of the NCOO WEBSITE will be subject to the following conditions:

- Reproduction, either in whole or in part, of any of the services contained on the NCOO WEBSITE is not permitted.

- No false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements about the pages of the NCOO WEBSITE and its services will be included.

- Under no circumstances will NCOO be responsible for the content, information, statements, opinions, or services made available to the public on the website from which a hyperlink to this WEBSITE is established.

- Any hyperlink will be directed to the main page of the WEBSITE.

The hyperlinks found on the WEBSITE have been previously agreed upon with the owners of the linked websites. NCOO will not be responsible for the misuse or activities contrary to law, morals, or public order carried out by users on such linked pages.

7.- Validity of the terms of use

The terms of use of this WEBSITE are indefinite. NCOO reserves the unilateral right to modify the conditions of access to them, as well as their content.

8.- Nullity and ineffectiveness of clauses

If any clause included in these conditions were to be declared totally or partially null or ineffective, such nullity will only affect said provision or the part thereof that is null or ineffective, with all other conditions remaining in full force.

9.- Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The provision of the service of this WEBSITE and these terms of use are governed by Spanish law.

Any contentious issue arising from the services provided through this WEBSITE will be resolved through consumer arbitration tribunals, mediators, or similar entities to which NCOO is adhered at the time of the dispute, as well as the corresponding courts and tribunals in accordance with Spanish legislation.


1.- Identity of the Data Controller

The information provided by the USER through any of the forms on the WEBSITE will be included in one or more files the responsibility of the National College of Opticians-Optometrists (VAT Q2877036J) with corporate address at 25 Princesa Street, 28008 Madrid, managed through its ARAGON DELEGATION.

2.- Purpose of the processing

NCOO will process the information provided by the USER for various purposes, depending on the method of data collection:

- Manage the contractual or commercial relationship established between NCOO and the USER.

- Provide the services requested by the USER.

- Manage, administer, provide, expand, and improve the services to which the USER has decided to subscribe or register.

- Adapt such services to improve their quality for the USER.

- Design new services related to the above.

- Conduct statistical studies to design improvements in the services provided.

- Send information requested by the USER.

- Send information about modifications to the products or services contracted by the USER.

- Send information about new products or services in the Optical and Audiology sectors, similar to those originally contracted or that may be of interest to the USER through any means, including electronic means, even after the commercial relationship between NCOO and the USER ends.

The USER consents to the processing of their data for the purposes described, without prejudice to the right to revoke said consent by emailing, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE, and specifying their request or, where appropriate, by checking the box provided for this purpose on the form itself.

3.- Recipients of the information

The data provided by the USER to NCOO will not be communicated to any third party, unless:

- The transfer is authorized by law.

- The processing responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship whose development, compliance, and control necessarily involve the connection of said processing with files of third parties, such as banking entities for the billing of contracted products or services or courier companies for the delivery of contracted products.

- The data is requested by the Ombudsman, the Public Prosecutor's Office, or the Courts or Tribunals or the Court of Auditors, in the exercise of the functions attributed to them.

4.- Mandatory or optional nature of the requested information

The mandatory data of each form will be identified as such in the form itself.

The refusal to provide such information will prevent the effective provision of the service requested by the USER.

5.- Exercise of rights

The USER may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by emailing, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE, and specifying their request.

The USER may also exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition by ordinary mail to the address at Calle Cadena, 15, 50001, Zaragoza, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE, providing a photocopy of their ID or equivalent document, and specifying their request.

6.- USER commitments

- The USER guarantees that they are over 14 years of age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

- The USER agrees to inform NCOO of any changes to the information provided by emailing, identifying themselves as a USER of the WEBSITE, and specifying the information that needs to be modified.

- Likewise, the USER agrees to keep the passwords and identification codes secret and to inform NCOO immediately in case of loss, theft, or unauthorized access. Until such communication is made, NCOO will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse by unauthorized third parties of such passwords and identification codes.

7.- Third-party data provided by the USER

If the USER provides personal data of third parties for any purpose, they guarantee to have previously informed the affected parties and obtained their consent for the communication of their data to NCOO.

The USER guarantees that the affected parties are over 14 years of age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.

NCOO will verify the consent of said affected parties through an initial non-commercial email requesting verification of the consent granted on their behalf by the USER.

In the event that liabilities arise from a breach of these conditions by the USER, they will be responsible for the consequences of such breach.

  1. Cookie Policy and Tracking Files

In addition to those strictly necessary cookies for web browsing, such as session cookies, this website may use analytical and advertising cookies, both its own and from third parties (Google Analytics services), which allow storing information in the user's browser, retrievable in subsequent visits.

Google Analytics services are used to measure and analyze website visits. The data obtained will be processed by Google in accordance with the Google Analytics Privacy Policy. Therefore, any rights related to Google's cookies should be exercised by directly contacting the responsible parties of this website as indicated in said Privacy Policy.

Cookies will not be installed on your computer until you express your willingness to browse the web through one of the following actions:

- Staying on the website for more than 15 seconds.

- Scrolling vertically through the website.

- Clicking on any point or link on the website.

By taking any of these actions, the USER accepts the use of cookies and IP tracking files, the use of which allows CNOO to collect data for statistical purposes such as: date of the first visit, number of visits, date of the last visit, URL and domain of origin, browser used, and screen resolution.

In any case, the USER may prevent the installation of cookies or delete those already installed through the configuration of their browser, as well as through the use of specific applications. However, CNOO is not responsible for any malfunction of the page resulting from their deactivation. The information obtained is completely anonymous and cannot be associated with a specific identified user.

Here are the instructions for configuring cookies in the main browsers:

Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google's support or the browser's Help.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla's support or the browser's Help.

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft's support or the browser's Help.

Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple's support or the browser's Help.

  1. Security Measures

CNOO has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment, or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or physical or natural means.

However, the USER should be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.


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