Sports Neuro-optometry

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Ricardo Bernárdez Vilaboa


Relevance: Introduction of a new discipline combining highly applicable areas such as sports optometry and neuro-optometry, with professional interaction between two sectors: optometry (low vision and sports optometry) and neuro-ophthalmology. Data is provided to explain the term.
Summary: Sports neuro-optometry is a set of disciplines aimed at addressing athletes' vision, ranging from the best possible vision to total blindness with remaining visual function, with values below 2.6 logMAR. In cases of visual problems with neurological involvement, a comprehensive protocol is activated, including an optometric examination for basic refraction, measurement of binocular vision and accommodation, as well as any other tests that clarify the neurological level and treatment possibilities to improve sports performance.

Article Details

How to Cite
Sports Neuro-optometry. Optom Clin y Cienc Vis [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];1(1):14-21. Available from:
Systematic Reviews

How to Cite

Sports Neuro-optometry. Optom Clin y Cienc Vis [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 22 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];1(1):14-21. Available from:


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